Ofer For You (1)

Monday 24 November 2014

Hijacking on a vendetta: be ready, be prepared its gonna cost time and money

How many hackers have gotten there goals met.
It seems like a over searched term now a days with keywords: facebook password code oauth hack etc I know Ive personally hijacked 3-5 facebooks then there linked accounts with simple dictionary attack password attacks. 3 accounts were known victims with known likes birthdays favorites and so on. now some skeptical hackers say that's not hacking but never the less running the exchange of passwords and exchanging them on the go some times is a bit more exciting then having a fresh copy of kali, bugtroid, caine, or the other numerous hack software suites out in force right now. I personally ahave fiddled with just about every tool in the packages just clicking away discovering slowly what each tool does. now personally I like the simple approach on things. Ive taken accounts one by one from the same person for some personal vendettas and every time I went in with the same advanced thinking. prep work. once you log in to there accounts depending on there personal paranoia and comfort zones you can be just 15 to 25 seconds in and you have triggered till the array of security offered by facebook. I go in with a cellphone mobile app, mobile web browser,and my laptop or p.c I just like to hasve a few diferrent options for when you get banned from the password attempt tool count. to help that a little if you know there cell number you use one on one app. the next app mighty be an android browser giving you a whole count on the reset and lock to itself. another device obviously assigned the task of the email log in addresses associated with the account and then ofcourse the direct user name url when ever possible. once your in by any mean you have to know will you be hijacking it for certain information or to prove a point post a certain post you know what I mean, I go in with a couple extra email addresses to add to the list first then delete the previous ones. I then get rid of the number as soon as possible secret questions and answers. important to multi task because by that time I have already entered the setting security main settings data settings notification settings privacy settings I like to quickly set up facebooks account settings back up dash and request my copy generated because sometimes you wont be in long enough to create them before you are logged out. this last one was nice sat in stealth all day waited for my moment then took it ready for the resets they it and of course in a great burst of excitement you begin clicking stay on page features and re enter password and so on. I didn't go in prepared for email messenger verification luckily facebook announced the entire address to me and I was fortunate to have cracked the same password for both accounts and that begun the process of associated account lockdown aswell. I have various points of contact with law enforcement and have gotten away sometimes with explanations of internet privacy policy free web CIA involvement twisting the facts around that its all open source code usable by them usable by us. bringing up the huge array of backdoors left in networks granting rights to government entities to enter. commonly we are granted such public rights that those agencies are given and have equal power to enforce them. any how the usual street cops have no clue about what you tell them. but ive gotten to the next level in some instances and have granted orders such as this latest from this month a personal conduct order with the predetermined amount of $1,000 and jail time or both. that bringing up an advance question ive been wanting to address specifically at facebook. I know I signed up for a facebook account and agreed to the arbitration and other legal means of defusing was I able to equally enforce such rules and have requested your prepaid array of legal attorneys amongst the social network? not saying I have such plans to but if I were to take the newest accounts created by such person could I enforce. Any how we have are right to make our statement's and do so at various levels of extremism. maybe once the holidays pass I will take control again but in the while I will need to set up my own legal fund and I do accept donations for my complicated legal cases here and there. and maybe next time ill enlist the help of volunteers and seeing how many hackers really are capable of hacking facebook accounts. ive heard it all over but ultimately we come to a list of said websites or individuals who fall short of delivering such actual services. personally when confronted with the task of data recovery or security features etc I get most joy of teamwork and advanced knowledge bases. in other words we need to stand united make money lose money sometimes volunteer our contributions through pay it forward gestures or trades of equipment and services to expand the further development of the next person. I have my list of accounts I will one day put my name on there post or lock out of but these jail time and fine warnings really do cause a bit distress and have decided next time to allow volunteer support for some personal attacks (message me) maybe ultimately we can have a hacker review going here. maybe for a tagline included in a post like #BLASPHAMOUS occaisionally you might see a private page locked with my name in a post somewhere. does anybody have the advanced framework of offering facebooks camera and mic control features to such a panel. I would have given anything to see a response of a person being messaged and surprised by such an event. I would like to call for a few individuals to contact me and set up some sort of group with certain reasons either code based religious based or technical based self support groups with pay it forward reward structure. contact just me only me directly to my google pluplus account 

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