Ofer For You (1)

Sunday 6 October 2019


Most Frequently used ide intelliJ shortcuts

alt + shift + insert :: column selection mode

alt + j :: selecte next occurrence together

CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + J :: select all occurrences together

CTRL + ALT + L :: reformat code

ctrl + alt + i :: auto-ident lines

ctrl + shift + v :: Last 5 tobe pasted values

ctrl + shift + u :: to upper or lower case change

shift + f10 :: run our project

ctrl + N : navigate to class

ctrl + shift + n : navigate -> file

ctrl + alt + shift + n :: navigate to any source

ctrl + shift + t : navigate -> test subject

ctrl + u :: go to superclass

ctrl + g :: go to line

ctrl + alt + left/right :: navigate back & forward

ctrl + e :: recent files

alt + shift + left mouse :: multiple selection

ctrl + shift + numpad plus/minus :: folding -> expand/collapse all

f4 :: jump to source!

ctrl + alt + b :: navigate -> implementation(s)

ctrl + shift + i :: quick definition

ctrl + h :: navigate -> type hierarchy

ctrl + shift + h -> method hierarchy

ctrl + alt + h -> navigate -> call hierarchy

alt + left/right :: previous/next tab

alt + up/down arrow :: navigate thru class members

alt + f7 :: usages

f2 :: nex error in code

shift + f2 :: previous error in code

shift + escape :: hide tool window

ctrl + w :: select block, extend selection

ctrl + alt + m :: extract method

shift + ctrl + z :: redo extract method

alt + 1 - project view

alt + 2 - favourites view

alt + 6 - todo list view

alt + 7 - structure view

ctrL + alt + p :: extract parameter

alt + 7 :: project structure view

cltrl + h :: type hierarchy

shift + ctrl + alt + t :: refactor this menu

ctrl + shift + t :: go to corresponding test

ctrl + shift + f10 :: run test

ctrl : n :: navigate to type

shift + ctrl + N :: navigate to file

ctrl : n :: class:<line_number> :: got to line number

shift + ctrl + alt + n :: symbol lookup

2x shift :: search everywhere

ctrl + alt + left/right :: go to next/previous

ctrl + shift + f12 :: hide all windows/restore windows

ctrl + w :: extend selection

shift + ctrl + w :: shrink selection

shift + alt + up/down :: move line up/down

ctrl + y :: kill line

ctrl + d :: duplicate a line

ctrl + n - class

ctrl + shift + n - file

shift + ctrl + alt + n - symbol lookup

shift + alt + up/down :: move up down line

ctrl + alt + i :: fix identation on selected code

ctrl + P :: parameter info when invoking constructor or method

alt + shash :: completion -> cyclic expand word

alt + shift + shlash ::: completion -> cyclic expand word

ctrl + b :: navigate -> declaration

ctrl + alt + b:: navigate -> implementation

ctrl + u :: navigate => super method

ctrl + h :: type hierarchy

ctrl + shift + h :: navigate -> method hierarchy

alt + home :: navigate -> jump to navigation bar

ctrl + f12 :: navigate -> file structure

alt + f12 :: command line window/view

ctrl + shift + a :: actio or option by name

ctrl + alt + z :: rollback changes

alt + backtick/back quote (`) :: vcs operations popup

alt + 9 :: version control window

ctrl + shift + f - wyszukaj

ctrl + shift + r - zamień

esc - przejdź do edytora f4 - jump to source

ctrl + f12 :: file structure

ctrl + shift + i :: quick definition popup

alt + up/down :: next previous method/element

CTRL + ALT + left/right ::

ctrl + shift + backspace : powrót do mejsca ostatniej edycji

next edit location :: ctrl + shift + backslash

alt + f7 :: find usages

ctrl + shift + up /down arrow :: navigate through search results

f11 :: bookmark current place

shift + f11 :: bookmarks

ctrl + 1/9 :: named bookmarks

ctrl + shift + 1/9 :: add named ctrl

bookmark + ; :: ace jump // plugin

ctrl + shift + ' :: maximize tool window

ctrl + alt + enter :: new line before current line

shift + entne :: new line after current line

ctrl + d : duplicate lines

ctrl + y :: cut line

alt + insert :: intention

ctrl + shift + a :

ctrl + N :: otwórz klasę

ctrl + shift + alt + n :: find symbol

2 x shift :: search everywhere

ctrl + - :: zwinięcie drzewa w project view/window

numpad * :: fully expand tree node

shift + esc + close current window

ctrl + e :: recent files

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