Ofer For You (1)

Saturday 27 July 2013

How facebook Works....have a look

How Facebook Works .........?????????

Facebook is a social network media which is used by millions of people all over the world but many
 few knew that how its works .which languages it is based on ... what is its architecture and what
 infrastructure is used at its front end and back end ...... here is the answer to all your question

working of Facebook at its front end:-

Facebook is using various services , tools and programming languages .In front end its
 server runs on LAMP(linux , apache , MySQL , PHP) let read about the LAMP that what
does it means and how it works......

LINUX AND APACHE :- linux is a unix like operating system kernel. facebook runs on linux operating system on Apache HTTP servers. Apache is free and it is also a open source web serverin use..

MySQL :- MySQL is used for creating database. facebook utilises MySQL for its speed and reliability. facebook has developed a custom partitioning scheme in which a global ID is
 assigned to all data.

PHP:-   it is a web programming language with extensive support and an active developer community thats why facebook use it

working of facebbok at

 its backend :-

facebook's back end 
languages are written in
 C++, Java,Python , Erlang.
 the philosophy behind it is 
as follow:-
  1. create a service if needeed
  2. create a framework/toolset for easier creation of services
  3. use the right programming for task
there are some essential tools that facebook has developed

Thrift is a remote procedure call framework. thrift support C++, PHP , Python , Perl, Java , ruby , Erlang and others .it is quick and save time it provide a division of labour of work on high performence.
Scribe(log server) :-

 Scribe is a server for log data streamed iin real time from many server.its framework is useful for logging a wide array of data.


it is a database management system which is designed to manage a large amount of data spread acrose many servers.

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