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Thursday, 29 August 2013

EBook Harry Potter aur Paaras Pathar (Hindi) by J. K. Rowling Download

Author: J K Rowling
Publisher: Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Date: Nov 2002
Format: pdf
Language: English
ISBN10 : 0195798589
Pages: 284
ISBN13 : 9780195798586

Description  :

Harry Potter aur Paaras Pathar (Hindi) is the first novel in the Harry Potter series written by J. K. Rowling and featuring Harry Potter, a young wizard. It describes how Harry discovers he is a wizard, makes close friends and a few enemies at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and with the help of his friends thwarts an attempted comeback by the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents when Harry was one year old.

The book was published on 30 June 1997 by Bloomsbury in London, while in 1998 Scholastic Corporation published an edition for the United States market under the title Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The novel won most of the UK book awards that were judged by children, and other awards in the USA. The book reached the top of the New York Times list of best-selling fiction in August 1999, and stayed near the top of that list for much of 1999 and 2000. It has been translated into several other languages and has been made into a feature-length film of the same name.

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Monday, 26 August 2013

Make Password Asterisks Visible in Your Linux Terminal or Mac

When you run a command with sudo in Linux, the terminal prompts you to type in your password—and doesn’t give you any visual feedback. Here’s a quick tweak that’ll bring back those familiar asterisks (*) when you type in your password.
I’m a fast typer, so when I mess up my password, I have to start over from scratch. With asterisks, it’s a lot easier—and seeing as no one’s looking over my shoulder in my home office, it doesn’t matter how obscured my password is. To bring back those asterisks:P
1. Run the following command in a Terminal:

sudo visudo
2. Scroll down to the line that looks like this (note that Mac users may have to learn a few vi commands):

Defaults env_resetand
change it to this:

Defaults env_reset,pwfeedback
3. Press Ctrl+X to finish editing, Y to save changes, and Enter to exit if you’re on Ubuntu. Other Linux distros may have different commands depending on the default editor. Mac users, for example, use vi, and will have to type :wq and press Enter to exit).
Now, when you run a command with sudo, you should get visual feedback when you type in your password. This should work in all versions of Ubuntu after version 10.04, as well as many other versions of Linux.

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NASA hacker jailed

A US man was jailed for four months last week after he was convicted of hacking into US government computers and defacing web sites. Robert Lyttle, 21, of Pleasant Hill, near San Francisco, was also ordered to pay damages of approximately $72,000 and to serve three year probation after his release from federal prison. The first four months of this probation period will be under home confinement with electronic monitoring, US District Judge D. Lowell Jensen ordered.
Lyttle (a member of hacking group The Deceptive Duo) hacked into computer systems of various federal agencies in April 2002, including the Department of Defense's Defense Logistic Information Service and Office of Health Affairs and NASA's Ames Research Center. He broke into systems to facilitate subsequent defacement of NASA and various other US government websites. Lyttle, who pleaded guilty to five counts of unlawfully accessing computer systems in connection with these offences after a July 2004 indictment (PDF) by a federal grand jury, is due to begin serving his sentence on 24 August, Reuters reports.

Benjamin Stark, Lyttle's alleged hacking partner, was charged in May 2004 and subsequently pleaded guilty to hacking and credit card fraud offences. He is yet to be sentenced. Lyttle and Stark specialised in cracking vulnerable US government websites and posting "patriotic" messages in which they described themselves as anonymous US citizens determined to expose security holes in government systems. ®

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Saturday, 24 August 2013

Error Codes On The Internet.

 100 Continue
 101 Switching Protocols  
200 OK Action completed successfully 
201 Created Success following a POST command 

202 Accepted The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. 

203 Partial Information Response to a GET command, indicates that the returned meta information is from a private overlaid web. 204 No Content Server has received the request but there is no information to send back. 

205 Reset Content 

206 Partial Content The requested file was partially sent. Usually caused by stopping or refreshing a web page. 

300 Multiple Choices 

301 Moved Permanently Requested a directory instead of a specific file. The web server added the filename index.html, index.htm, home.html, or home.htm to the URL. 
302 Moved Temporarily 
303 See Other 
304 Not Modified The cached version of the requested file is the same as the file to be sent. 
305 Use Proxy 

400 Bad Request The request had bad syntax or was impossible to be satisifi

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Social World Map !!

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Create your own Anti-Virus

Create your own Anti-Virus in Notepad++

 Mind you this meant against low level macro viruses. For other you should pull out the big guns
Type the following code into Notepad:

@ echo off
echo off turn off the active virus
taskkill / F / IM virusname1.exe / IM virusname2.exe
echo Deleting all of viruses based on size
for / RC: \%% a in (*. exe) do if%% ~ za 157,184 equ del / A: HSRA "%% a"
echo d
eleting hidden virus
echo for drive c and subfolders
for / R C: \%% a in (*. doc.exe) do del "%% a"
echo for drive d and subfolders
for / R D: \%% a in (*. doc.exe) do del "%% a"
echo Unhide Document
cd / d c: \
echo for drive C and subfolders
*. doc attrib-H-S-A / S
cd / d d: \
echo for drive D and subfolders
*. doc attrib-H-S-A / S

Save the file with bat extension, For example antivirus.bat. then go to command prompt and run the Notepad file.

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Wednesday, 21 August 2013



Alt + 0153..... ™... trademark symbol

Alt + 0169.... ©.... copyright symbol

Alt + 0174..... ®....registered ¬ trademark symbol

Alt + 0176 ...°......degree symbol 

Alt + 0177 ...±....plus-or -minus sign

Alt + 0182 ...¶.....paragraph mark

Alt + 0190 ...¾....fraction, three-fourths

Alt + 0215 ....×.....multi plication sign

Alt + 0162...¢....the cent sign

Alt + 0161.....¡..... .upside down exclamation point

Alt + 0191.....¿..... upside down question mark

Alt + 1...........smiley face

Alt + 2 ......☻.....black smiley face Alt + 15.....☼.....sun

Alt + 12......♀.....female sign

Alt + 11.....♂......male sign

Alt + 6.......♠.....spade

Alt + 5.......♣...... Club

Alt + 3............. Heart

Alt + 4.......♦...... Diamond

Alt + 13......♪.....eighth note

Alt + 14......♫...... beamed eighth note

Alt + 8721.... ∑.... Narysummation (auto sum)

Alt + 251.....√.....square root checkmark

Alt + 8236.....∞..... infinity

Alt + 24.......↑..... up arrow

Alt + 25......↓...... down arrow Alt + 26.....→.....right arrow

Alt + 27......←.....left arrow

Alt + 18.....↕......up/down arrow

 Alt + 29......↔...lef t right arrow

Happy Hacking

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How hacker can steal your money using ATM number

How hacker can steal your money using ATM number

You often hear warnings like " keep ur ATM PIN number confidential" .

And a question arise in ur mind-How the hell anyone can steal your money without ATM card , with just a pin number??

I tell you how

Online payment services and shoping services works without ATM cards.

All your ATM, CREDIT and DEBIT card performs transactions using transaction services like VISA , MAESTRO etc.

( check on your card its logo )

So, to perform a transaction, you need a password of your acount and a username.

USERNAME:: your card number.

PASSWORD :: 3D secure password.

Where to find card number??

Nowhere, they are written right on your card.

And 3D secure password??

It has to be created.

You need 3 things to create it.

[1] card number.

[2] account number.

[3] PIN number.

So all a hacker need is 3 information. 

Now lets start using online payment service...

In this example, we will use online recharge service named PAYTM.

Its a mobile application available for all mobile platforms such as java, android,symbian,windows etc.

First u create a login for using the applucation. Then u want to recharge ur mobile with RS. 200.

Lets start-

1. Login to paytm app using the login u created first time. This login is not related to banking and is only for preventing other peoples using this app if they steal ur fon.

2. Type ur mobile no..

3. Mobile provider will automatically detected. In my case, its vodafone.

4. Type the recharge amount.. In this case its 200

5. Click procced to recharge. If anywhere u r asked to enter CVV no, leave it blank or google it for 

knowing what is it.

6. Select coupon screen will appear.. Ignore it.

7.  u will be asked for choosing ur bank, which ur atm card is related to.. In my case , its SBBJ( state bank of bikaner and jaipur).. Then choose the transaction service, to determine it, look at the card there should be a logo of VISA or MAESTRO or other. Choose whatever u see on card.

8. Now enter ur card no.

9. Proceed to next and u will see ur bank's payment page.. Here u will be asked to create 3D secure password.. If u already created this password, u will just need to enter it.. By clicking ok, u r going to get ur recharge right into ur mobile no.

So here u gonna create 3D secure password. --

U need 3 informations-

First of all, choose ur password, reenter password in next box, type card no. Then type bank account no. And at last, pin no.

Click to ok and ur 3D secure password is ready to use.. Keep them as confidential as u can.. And never forget them.. Otherwise password recovery is a long process which can consume all of ur month.

So by entering 3d secure password in this step, within 10 second, u will get ur recharge.

Now lets come to the point.. 

Did u need ATM card in all these process??

Nahi na?

Thats how a hacker can steal ur money using ur pin no.

Even u can steal anyone's money..

1. Carry a good quality camera and goto ATM.

2. In the queue, pay attention to person right before u, when he swap his card, click a photo of his card.. U will get the card no.

3. Check out about the person.. Gather info and u will get his account no. Or directly ask to him, he wouldn't mind.

4. If u tall enaugh, lean forward right upon his shoulder to note down the pin no. He enters.

5. U have all  the things. Enter these info in application and recharge for 1000 at least.

6. This is a crime !! Keep this in mind and be confident that police is about to reach ur home.

Thats all guys..

Now u can google certain things if u r not tall enough and couldn't follow step 4.

"Stealing pin no using a small camera"

"Stealing pin no using infrared camera"


" techniques stealing pin no."

Google is better this time.

Note- this tutorial was intended to make u aware of loosing ur money.. It was not for encouraging u stealing anyone's money.. U will be responsible for ur crime!!

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Best 4 Tricks To HAck FAcebook PAsswords in 2013

  • Best 4 Tricks To HAck FAcebook PAsswords in 2013

1. Facebook Phishing Attack:

I am explaining this method first because its the most easiest and also the most popular method for hacking Facebook password. You can also search on Google the various famous Facebook hacking methods and you will find Phishing technique on the top always. And I am explaining the methods according to their popularity.
Now you want to know which is my favorite method for Hacking Facebook account passwords and i will undoubtedly tell its simply PHISHING.
IF you want to get the trick for HAcking Facebook password please use comment system below:

2. Hacking Facebook account password remotely using Keyloggers and RAT's:

Best method for advanced Hackers and my second favorite too. Its popularity is little but lower than Phishing only because it involves you to download hack tool and then create your keylogger and send it to victim which is a lengthy process and also unsecured too as you don't aware that the keylogger that you downloading is himself contain some spyware or simply a keylogger attached with it. Keylogging becomes more easy if you have physical access to victim computer as only thing you have to do is install a keylogger and direct it to your destination so that it will send all recorded keystrokes to pointed destination. What a keylogger does is it records the keystrokes into a log file and then you can use these logs to get required Facebook password and thus can hack Facebook password.

3. Hacking the Primary Email address:
If Facebook hacker or any specific Keylogger, by some means, hacks your primary Gmail or yahoo account which you are using as primary email address, then this information account can easily hack your Facebook password using "Forgot password" trick. The Hacker will simply ask Facebook to send password to the primary email address and ask Facebook administrators to send the reset email to your primary email address- which is already hacked. Thus, your Facebook account password will be reset and it will also be hacked.
So, always remember to protect your primary email address that you have used to create Facebook account and try to keep unknown or useless mail id as your primary email address in Facebook.

4. Social Engineering or Guessing Passwords:
A social engineering attack is one in which the intended victim is somehow tricked into doing the attacker's bidding. An example would be responding to a phishing email, following the link and entering your banking credentials on a fraudulent website. The stolen credentials are then used for everything from finance fraud to outright identity theft. An old adage comes to mind here, "it pays to be suspicious". With socially engineered attacks, the opposite is also true - if you aren't suspicious, you likely will end up paying. In addition to phishing, social engineering attacks can come in many forms - email that masquerades as breaking news alerts, or greeting cards, or announcements of bogus lottery winnings. Pump and dump stock scams are also a form of social engineering, playing on the recipients' natural desire to take advantage of a good deal. It's important to remember that if something sounds too good to be true, it's probably a scam. Social engineering attacks are also often used to trick users into infecting their own systems - for example, by disguising the malware as a video codec or Flash update. An email is sent enticing the recipient to view a bogus video clip, the victim visits the link contained in the email and installs the "codec/update" which turns out to be a backdoor Trojan or keystroke logger.
Remember: with social engineering scams, the attacker is relying on you to make the wrong choice. Choose not to be a victim.
Some Common passwords that you can try on your friends are :
1. Their mobile number or their girlfriend or boyfriend mobile number.
 (always try his previous or old mobile number as they are not as much as fool that they appears)
2. Their Girlfriend or boyfriend names or their own names concatenating with their Girlfriend or boyfriend names.
3. Date of births
4. Their favorite movie names , cartoon character names or favorite music band names or simply the hero names like batman,dark knight, Superman,Godzilla, Spartacus and much more..
5. Most important now most website ask that password should be alphanumeric now what users do they just adds 1,2,3 in their normal passwords and some more smart guys adds !,@,# in their passwords and amazingly all in Sequence.

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Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Free BSNL 3G Hack & Trick 2013 ( 100% Working )

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Trick 1 

Use the Following New Connection For Free :-

Name :3G free(any)
Service Type 1 WAP
Gateway IP : 1
Port no : 1 : 9209.
Timeout: Never
CSD No.1
User Name1: ppp
Password1: ppp123
APN setting:
User Name : ppp
Password : ppp123

Now save the following settings and  leave the other settings as default and using thisactivated settings hack bsnl 3G for free new 2012 trick in bsnl mobile free for 3mbps speed browsing and downloading in bsnl 3G.


Trick 2 :


1) You Must Have the 3G Supported Device .
2) 3G Activated SIM ( if you are not using 3G sim it is easy to change the plan to 3G)

3) Knowledge about the changing of your internet settings.

Change your Internet Settings with the Following Details :-

Name :- BSNL 3G
Service Type 1 WAP
Gateway IP : -1
Port no : 1 : 9209.
Timeout: NEVER
CSD No.1
User Name1: ppp
Password1: ppp123
APN setting:
User Name : ppp
Password : ppp123

By Using this Settings , you have the free internet service at 3 MBPS Speed.

Paise kya ped pe ugte hai? -Yes ! So use FreeCharge promocode R9RQVMY & get Rs.50 Instant Cashback on your next Mobile Recharge.  Redeem on :http://frch.in/refer. Code valid only once per debit/credit card & user.

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 Kunal Vohra

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uninor free gprs trick/hack first on net 30/4/2013

Join Our Cyber Army & Be A Part Of H2K  :- "Click Here"

apn :-uninor
homepage :-
Proxy Server :-
Port :-8080
apn :-uninor
Proxy Server :-
Port :-80

~ Uninor 2013 Trick ~
:::: ExcLusive and First on Net ::::
100% works in MH
FREE H0ST :- wap.myuninor.in

"Paise kya ped pe ugte hai? -Yes ! So use FreeCharge promocode R9RQVMY & get Rs.50 Instant Cashback on your next Mobile Recharge.  Redeem on :http://frch.in/refer. Code valid only once per debit/credit card & user."

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Thursday, 15 August 2013

Admin Required for The Techno Street

Need active admin for this blog. Daily stats is around 400-500. But as it is quite difficult for me to handle it alone. So intrested person can contact me "Kunal Vohrahttps://www.facebook.com/vohra01/"  and please dont forget to mention your qualities before.

Gmail ID:          vohra.kunal3@gmail.com
Facebook ID:   https://www.facebook.com/vohra01

Note: No copyrighted material allowed.
          Please contact me on facebook.

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Saturday, 10 August 2013

Create A Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders In Windows

Create A Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders In Windows

creating undeleteable files

In this tutorial you will learn cool and simple trick to Create an undeletable and unrenamable Folders In Windows operating system. Most of the Peoples are not aware that it is possible to create Undeletable, Unrenamable folder in windows without any software. To Test this concept just follow simple steps given below.

Try to make a new folder in windows & give it name con,aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3 up to lpt9. you won't be allowed to create folder with above mentioned names, Because they are reserved words in windows.

How To Create Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders ?

  1. Go to Start and then Click on Run
  2. Type cmd & hit enter (To open Command Prompt ).
  3. Remember you cannot create Undeletable & unrenamable folder in your root directory (i.e. where the windows is installed) That means you can't make this kind of folder in C: drive if you installed windows on C:
  4. Type D: or E: and hit enter
  5. Type md con\ and hit enter (md - make directory)
  6. You may use other words such as aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3 up to lpt9 instead of con in above step.
  7. Open that directory, you will see the folder created of name con.
     8.   Try to delete that folder or rename that folder windows will show the error message.

How to delete that folder ?

It is not possible to delete that folder manually but you can delete this folder by another way mentioned below.

  1. Open Command Prompt
  2. Type D: ( if u created this type of folder in D: drive) & hit enter
  3. Type rd con\ (rd - remove directory)
  4. Open that directory and the folder will not appear because it is removed.

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Monday, 5 August 2013

command promt tricks.

command promt tricks.
Run Commands

To Access?. - Run Command

Accessibility Controls - access.cpl

Add Hardware Wizard - hdwwiz.cpl

Add/Remove Programs - appwiz.cpl

Administrative Tools - control admintools

Automatic Updates - wuaucpl.cpl

Bluetooth Transfer Wizard - fsquirt

Calculator - calc

Certificate Manager - certmgr.msc

Character Map - charmap

Check Disk Utility - chkdsk

Clipboard Viewer - clipbrd

Command Prompt - cmd

Component Services - dcomcnfg

Computer Management - compmgmt.msc

Date and Time Properties - timedate.cpl

DDE Shares - ddeshare

Device Manager - devmgmt.msc

Direct X Control Panel (If Installed)* - directx.cpl

Direct X Troubleshooter - dxdiag

Disk Cleanup Utility - cleanmgr

Disk Defragment - dfrg.msc

Disk Management - diskmgmt.msc

Disk Partition Manager - diskpart

Display Properties - control desktop

Display Properties - desk.cpl

Display Properties (w/Appearance Tab Preselected) - control color

Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility - drwtsn32

Driver Verifier Utility - verifier

Event Viewer - eventvwr.msc

File Signature Verification Tool - sigverif

Findfast - findfast.cpl

Folders Properties - control folders

Fonts - control fonts

Fonts Folder - fonts

Free Cell Card Game - freecell

Game Controllers - joy.cpl

Group Policy Editor (XP Prof) - gpedit.msc

Hearts Card Game - mshearts

Iexpress Wizard - iexpress

Indexing Service - ciadv.msc

Internet Properties - inetcpl.cpl

IP Configuration (Display Connection Configuration) - ipconfig /all

IP Configuration (Display DNS Cache Contents) - ipconfig /displaydns

IP Configuration (Delete DNS Cache Contents) - ipconfig /flushdns

IP Configuration (Release All Connections) - ipconfig /release

IP Configuration (Renew All Connections) - ipconfig /renew

IP Configuration (Refreshes DHCP & Re - Registers DNS) -

ipconfig /registerdns

IP Configuration (Display DHCP Class ID) - ipconfig /showclassid

IP Configuration (Modifies DHCP Class ID)

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